Spicy Cheese Roll Recipe By Chef Zakir
Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
9 mins
Total Time
29 mins
For a cheesy snack in a snap, these spicy cheese rolls will squash any hunger pangs. Try this Spicy Cheese Roll Recipe By Chef Zakir, making your own cheese rolls is well worth than store bought and is surprisingly easy.
Appetizer, Comfort Food, Snack
Fast Food
Servings: 6
- 1 Potato boiled
- 2 Eggs
- 4 Green chilies
- 6 Bread slices
- 1 cup Flour
- 1 tsp Black pepper
- 1 tsp Cumin seeds
- 1/2 tsp Crushed red chili
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 2 tbsp Cheddar cheese
- 2 tbsp Mozzarella cheese
- 2 tbsp Mint leaves
- Oil for frying
Cooking Method
Mash boil potato in a bowl. Now add Green chilies, Black pepper, Cumin seeds, Crushed red chili, Salt, Cheddar cheese, Mozzarella cheese and mint leaves. Mix until well combined.
Flatten the Bread slices using rolling pin.
Place the mixture on bread slices equally now fold each bread slice like a Swiss roll.
Dip in 2 beaten egg, roll in Flour and deep fry in hot oil for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown. Delicious and Spicy cheese rolls are ready to serve.
Serving Suggestions
Serve with Chili Sauce.